Worship is our heartbeat – it is what keeps us spiritually alive. How can we live a life immersed in worship of the One? How can we walk on a path where every footstep, every element of our life is worship? Allah resoundingly reminds us in the Qur’an: “… I did not create jinn and humankind except to worship Me” (51:56). Allah created us for this one special purpose – to live our lives in worship of Him.

We live in a world where it is easy to forget the One. Competing desires, the needs of our ego and worldly pursuits only adds to our challenge.

Our heart seeks unity and closeness with the One Lord knowing that only when our hearts are connected to Allah, will we find peace. This worship of our Creator is a beautiful love letter we write only to Him – all our actions, our thoughts, and our hopes in this life directed towards our Beloved, our Lord. Allow this year’s conference to inspire you to grasp that pen and begin, “Dear God, it’s me…”